• All
  • Rustic house
    • House with land
    • Rustic property
    • Village house
  • House/Chalet
    • Luxury Villa
    • Terraced house
    • Bungalow
    • Urban property
    • House
    • Single family house
    • Semi-detached house
    • Villa
  • Building
    • Building
  • Garage
    • Parking
  • Premises or Warehouse
    • Business Premise
    • Industrial Unit
  • Other
    • Storage room
  • Apartment
    • Apartment
    • Penthouse
    • Duplex
    • Studio
    • Flat
    • Ground floor apartment
    • Duplex Penthouse
  • Land
    • Building Site
    • Rural Land
    • Urban Plot of land
    • Plot of land

Encontramos la casa de tus sueños

  • All
  • Rustic house
    • House with land
    • Rustic property
    • Village house
  • House/Chalet
    • Luxury Villa
    • Terraced house
    • Bungalow
    • Urban property
    • House
    • Single family house
    • Semi-detached house
    • Villa
  • Building
    • Building
  • Garage
    • Parking
  • Premises or Warehouse
    • Business Premise
    • Industrial Unit
  • Other
    • Storage room
  • Apartment
    • Apartment
    • Penthouse
    • Duplex
    • Studio
    • Flat
    • Ground floor apartment
    • Duplex Penthouse
  • Land
    • Building Site
    • Rural Land
    • Urban Plot of land
    • Plot of land

Apartment San Miguel de Abona

169.999 €
  • 053401
  • 1
  • 1
  • 56 mts


Canary Hogar está formada por un equipo profesional Joven y Dinámico con un objetivo común: Satisfacer las demandas de nuestros Clientes,La sociedad tiene por objeto: la Promocion, Compra, Venta y Construcción de toda clase de Bienes Inmuebles Urbanos y Rústicos. Una agencia joven con profesionales expertos y dinámicos.

Disponemos de una amplia oferta inmobiliaria de Viviendas Nuevas y 2ª Mano, Chalets y Fincas por toda la provincia, Alquileres y Traspasos, Edificios, Apartahoteles, Hoteles, todo ello con las mejores garantías económicas del mercado hasta el 100% de un Credito e Hipoteca para que usted pueda adquirirlos.

Canary hogar es una agencia inmobiliaria en el sur de Tenerife. Con experiencia en el mercado inmobiliario, podemos ayudarlo en todos los aspectos de la búsqueda de su propiedad, desde discutir las áreas adecuadas, encontrar la propiedad perfecta, negociar la venta y completar todo el registro y la documentación una vez que se haya comprado la propiedad de sus sueños. Nos ocupamos de todas las propiedades, desde estudios, fincas rurales y villas de lujo,Negocios, Terrenos, Promociones, Edificios, Naves industriales, Apartahoteles,Hoteles.....

Además de ayudar en todos los aspectos de la compra, también ofrecemos un servicio posventa que se adapta a sus necesidades, desde ser un poseedor de llaves o alquilar su propiedad, hasta ayudarlo a ver cualquier renovación.

Si desea contactarnos con cualquier consulta o pregunta que tenga, no dude en enviarnos un correo electrónico o puede llamarnos al (+34) 922 096 466 o por whatsApp (+34) 615 553 341


Suscríbete a nuestra lista de correos y serás el primero en recibir nuevas propiedades

Diseñado por CRM Inmovilla
Send this form with your name and phone number and we will contact you as soon as possible.
When you press the button “SEND” you confirm you’ve read, understood and accepted the conditions of our Privacy Policy shown in this LINK

In compliance with the duty of information contained in Article 10 of Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (LSSICE), the owner of the website informs you of the following:
● Company name: Asbaa-2022, SL
● TAX ID: B44565299
● Address: Avenida Los Abrigos Local Nº 34 B,C.P 38618 - Los Abrigos, Granadilla De Abona (Santa Cruz De Tenerife)
Within the limits established by law, Asbaa-2022, SL assumes no liability for the lack of veracity, completeness, updating and accuracy of the data or information contained in its web pages.
The contents and information do not bind Asbaa-2022, SL nor do they constitute opinions, advice or legal advice of any kind, as they are merely a service offered for information and dissemination purposes.
The Internet pages of Asbaa-2022, SL may contain links to other pages of third parties that Asbaa-2022, SL cannot control. Therefore, Asbaa-2022, SL cannot assume responsibility for the content that may appear on third-party pages.

The texts, images, sounds, animations, software and other contents included in this website are the exclusive property of Asbaa-2022, SL or its licensors. Any act of transmission, distribution, transfer, reproduction, storage or total or partial public communication must have the express consent of Asbaa-2022, SL.
Likewise, in order to access some of the services that Asbaa-2022, SL offers through the website, you must provide some personal data. In compliance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, we inform you that, by completing these forms, your personal data will be included and processed in the files of Asbaa-2022, SL in order to be able to provide and offer you our services as well as to inform you of improvements to the website.
We also inform you that you will have the possibility at any time to exercise your rights of access, rectification, cancellation, opposition, limitation and portability of your personal data, free of charge by email to:info@canaryhogar.es or at the address: Avenida Los Abrigos Local Nº 34 B,C.P 38618 - Los Abrigos, Granadilla De Abona (Santa Cruz De Tenerife)
REV: 20.3009

Responsable: ASBAA-2022 SL con CIF B-44565299

Finalidad: Enviarle inmuebles que se ajusten a los requisitos indicados por el cliente al rellenar este formulario.

Legitimación: Ejecución de medidas pre contractuales a solicitud del interesado. (solicitud de presupuestos o información sobre nuestros servicios profesionales).

Destinatarios: Estos datos le llegarán a la oficina y no existe ninguna cesión de datos prevista, salvo obligación legal.

Derechos: Podrá ejercitar los derechos de acceso, rectificación, supresión, oposición, portabilidad y retirada de consentimiento de sus datos personales en la dirección de correo electrónico info@canaryhogar.es

Protection of personal data in accordance with the RGPD
Asbaa-2022, SL, in application of current legislation on the protection of personal data, informs that the personal data collected through the forms on the website: https://www.canaryhogar.es, are included in the specific automated files of users of the services of Asbaa-2022, SL.
The purpose of the collection and automated processing of personal data is to maintain the commercial relationship and the performance of information, training, consultancy and other activities of Asbaa-2022, SL.
This data will only be transferred to those entities that are necessary for the sole purpose of complying with the aforementioned purpose.
Asbaa-2022, SL adopts the necessary measures to guarantee the security, integrity and confidentiality of the data in accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of 27 April 2016, on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data, and repealing the old LOPD, the new Organic Law 3/2018, of 5 December, on Data Protection and Guarantee of Digital Rights (LOPDGDDD).
The user may at any time exercise the rights of access, opposition, rectification, cancellation, limitation and portability recognised in the aforementioned Regulation (EU). These rights may be exercised by the user by sending an email to: info@canaryhogar.es or to the following address: Avenida Los Abrigos nº 34 B, Los Abrigos Garanadilla de Abona (Tenerife) 38618
The user declares that all the data provided by him/her are true and correct, and undertakes to keep them updated, communicating any changes to Asbaa-2022, SL.
Purpose of the processing of personal data:
For what purpose will we process your personal data?
At Asbaa-2022, SL, we will process your personal data collected through the website: https://www.canaryhogar.es, for the following purposes:
1. Sending commercial information and newsletters about new services offered on the website and the sector.
2. To provide the services contracted by the user.
3. To send promotional information electronically.
4. To provide the information requested by the user through the contact form.
We remind you that you can object to the sending of commercial communications by any means and at any time by sending an e-mail to the address indicated above.
The fields in these registers must be filled in, and it is impossible to carry out the purposes expressed if these data are not provided.
How long will the personal data collected be kept?
The personal data provided will be kept for as long as the commercial relationship is maintained or you do not request their deletion and for the period of time for which legal responsibilities may arise from the services provided.
The processing of your data is carried out on the following legal bases that legitimise the same:
1. The request for information and/or the contracting of the services of Asbaa-2022, SL, the terms and conditions of which will be made available to you in any case, prior to any eventual contracting.
2. Free, specific, informed and unequivocal consent, insofar as we inform you by making this privacy policy available to you, which after reading it, if you agree, you can accept by means of a declaration or a clear affirmative action, such as ticking a box provided for this purpose.
If you do not provide us with your details or if you do so incorrectly or incompletely, we will not be able to deal with your request, making it completely impossible to provide you with the information requested or to carry out the contracting of services.
The data will not be communicated to any third party outside Asbaa-2022, SL, except under legal obligation.
Data collected by users of the services
In the cases in which the user includes files with personal data in the shared hosting servers, Asbaa-2022, SL is not responsible for the non-compliance by the user of the RGPD.
Intellectual property rights https://www.canaryhogar.es
Asbaa-2022, SL owns all copyrights, intellectual property, industrial property, "know how" and any other rights related to the contents of the website https://www.canaryhogar.es and the services offered therein, as well as the programs necessary for its implementation and related information.
The reproduction, publication and/or non strictly private use of the contents, in whole or in part, of the https://www.canaryhogar.es website is not permitted without prior written consent.
Intellectual property of the software
The user must respect third party programs made available by Asbaa-2022, SL, even if they are free and/or publicly available.
Asbaa-2022, SL has the necessary rights of exploitation and intellectual property of the software.
The user does not acquire any right or license for the contracted service, on the software necessary for the provision of the service, nor on the technical information of follow-up of the service, except for the rights and licenses necessary for the fulfillment of the contracted services and only during the duration of the same ones.
For any action that exceeds the fulfillment of the contract, the user will need written authorization from Asbaa-2022, SL, being prohibited to the user to access, modify, visualize the configuration, structure and files of the servers property of Asbaa-2022, SL, assuming the civil and penal responsibility derived from any incidence that could be produced in the servers and security systems as direct consequence of a negligent or malicious action on his part.
Intellectual property of the hosted contents
The use contrary to the legislation on intellectual property of the services provided by Asbaa-2022, SL is prohibited and, in particular of:
1. The use that is contrary to the Spanish laws or that infringes the rights of third parties.

2. The publication or transmission of any content that, in the opinion of Asbaa-2022, SL, is violent, obscene, abusive, illegal, racial, xenophobic or defamatory.

3. Cracks, software serial numbers or any other content that infringes the intellectual property rights of third parties.

4. The collection and/or use of personal data of other users without their express consent or in contravention of the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data.

5. The use of the domain's mail server and email addresses for sending unsolicited bulk email.

The user bears full responsibility for the content of his website, transmitted and stored information, hypertext links, third party claims and legal actions in reference to intellectual property, third party rights and protection of minors.
The user is responsible with respect to the laws and regulations in force and the rules that have to do with the operation of the online service, electronic commerce, copyright, maintenance of public order, as well as universal principles of Internet use.
The user will indemnify Asbaa-2022, SL for the expenses generated by the imputation of Asbaa-2022, SL in some cause whose responsibility was attributable to the user, including fees and expenses of legal defense, even in the case of a non-final judicial decision.
Protection of the hosted information
Asbaa-2022, SL makes backup copies of the content hosted on its servers, however it is not responsible for the loss or accidental deletion of data by users. Similarly, it does not guarantee the total replacement of data deleted by users, since such data may have been deleted and / or modified during the period of time since the last backup.

The services offered, except for specific backup services, do not include the replacement of the contents preserved in the backup copies made by Asbaa-2022, SL, when this loss is attributable to the user; in this case, a fee will be determined according to the complexity and volume of the recovery, always with the user's prior acceptance.
The replacement of deleted data is only included in the price of the service when the loss of the content is due to causes attributable to Asbaa-2022, SL.
Commercial communications
In application of the LSSI. Asbaa-2022, SL will not send advertising or promotional communications by e-mail or other equivalent means of electronic communication that have not been previously requested or expressly authorized by the recipients thereof.
In the case of users with whom there is a previous contractual relationship, Asbaa-2022, SL is authorized to send commercial communications concerning products or services of Asbaa-2022, SL that are similar to those that were initially contracted with the customer.
In any case, the user, after proving his identity, may request not to receive any more commercial information through the Customer Service channels.

REV: 20.3009

Responsable: ASBAA-2022 SL con CIF B-44565299

Finalidad: Enviarle la información de tu propiedad a la inmobiliaria para que valore si la ofrece a sus clientes para lograr la venta o alquiler del mismo..

Legitimación: La legitimación se basa en el consentimiento que usted nos otorga al clicar el botón “Acepto la política de protección de datos”.

Destinatarios: Los datos del cliente no se cederán a nadie, salvo obligación legal. La información del inmueble podrá ser mostrada a agencias colaboradoras, publicarla en webs y portales.

Derechos: Podrá ejercitar los derechos de acceso, rectificación, supresión, oposición, portabilidad y retirada de consentimiento de sus datos personales en la dirección de correo electrónico info@canaryhogar.es

Protection of personal data in accordance with the RGPD
Asbaa-2022, SL, in application of current legislation on the protection of personal data, informs that the personal data collected through the forms on the website: https://www.canaryhogar.es, are included in the specific automated files of users of the services of Asbaa-2022, SL.
The purpose of the collection and automated processing of personal data is to maintain the commercial relationship and the performance of information, training, consultancy and other activities of Asbaa-2022, SL.
This data will only be transferred to those entities that are necessary for the sole purpose of complying with the aforementioned purpose.
Asbaa-2022, SL adopts the necessary measures to guarantee the security, integrity and confidentiality of the data in accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of 27 April 2016, on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data, and repealing the old LOPD, the new Organic Law 3/2018, of 5 December, on Data Protection and Guarantee of Digital Rights (LOPDGDDD).
The user may at any time exercise the rights of access, opposition, rectification, cancellation, limitation and portability recognised in the aforementioned Regulation (EU). These rights may be exercised by the user by sending an email to: info@canaryhogar.es or to the following address: Avenida Los Abrigos nº 34 B, Los Abrigos Garanadilla de Abona (Tenerife) 38618
The user declares that all the data provided by him/her are true and correct, and undertakes to keep them updated, communicating any changes to Asbaa-2022, SL.
Purpose of the processing of personal data:
For what purpose will we process your personal data?
At Asbaa-2022, SL, we will process your personal data collected through the website: https://www.canaryhogar.es, for the following purposes:
1. Sending commercial information and newsletters about new services offered on the website and the sector.
2. To provide the services contracted by the user.
3. To send promotional information electronically.
4. To provide the information requested by the user through the contact form.
We remind you that you can object to the sending of commercial communications by any means and at any time by sending an e-mail to the address indicated above.
The fields in these registers must be filled in, and it is impossible to carry out the purposes expressed if these data are not provided.
How long will the personal data collected be kept?
The personal data provided will be kept for as long as the commercial relationship is maintained or you do not request their deletion and for the period of time for which legal responsibilities may arise from the services provided.
The processing of your data is carried out on the following legal bases that legitimise the same:
1. The request for information and/or the contracting of the services of Asbaa-2022, SL, the terms and conditions of which will be made available to you in any case, prior to any eventual contracting.
2. Free, specific, informed and unequivocal consent, insofar as we inform you by making this privacy policy available to you, which after reading it, if you agree, you can accept by means of a declaration or a clear affirmative action, such as ticking a box provided for this purpose.
If you do not provide us with your details or if you do so incorrectly or incompletely, we will not be able to deal with your request, making it completely impossible to provide you with the information requested or to carry out the contracting of services.
The data will not be communicated to any third party outside Asbaa-2022, SL, except under legal obligation.
Data collected by users of the services
In the cases in which the user includes files with personal data in the shared hosting servers, Asbaa-2022, SL is not responsible for the non-compliance by the user of the RGPD.
Intellectual property rights https://www.canaryhogar.es
Asbaa-2022, SL owns all copyrights, intellectual property, industrial property, "know how" and any other rights related to the contents of the website https://www.canaryhogar.es and the services offered therein, as well as the programs necessary for its implementation and related information.
The reproduction, publication and/or non strictly private use of the contents, in whole or in part, of the https://www.canaryhogar.es website is not permitted without prior written consent.
Intellectual property of the software
The user must respect third party programs made available by Asbaa-2022, SL, even if they are free and/or publicly available.
Asbaa-2022, SL has the necessary rights of exploitation and intellectual property of the software.
The user does not acquire any right or license for the contracted service, on the software necessary for the provision of the service, nor on the technical information of follow-up of the service, except for the rights and licenses necessary for the fulfillment of the contracted services and only during the duration of the same ones.
For any action that exceeds the fulfillment of the contract, the user will need written authorization from Asbaa-2022, SL, being prohibited to the user to access, modify, visualize the configuration, structure and files of the servers property of Asbaa-2022, SL, assuming the civil and penal responsibility derived from any incidence that could be produced in the servers and security systems as direct consequence of a negligent or malicious action on his part.
Intellectual property of the hosted contents
The use contrary to the legislation on intellectual property of the services provided by Asbaa-2022, SL is prohibited and, in particular of:
1. The use that is contrary to the Spanish laws or that infringes the rights of third parties.

2. The publication or transmission of any content that, in the opinion of Asbaa-2022, SL, is violent, obscene, abusive, illegal, racial, xenophobic or defamatory.

3. Cracks, software serial numbers or any other content that infringes the intellectual property rights of third parties.

4. The collection and/or use of personal data of other users without their express consent or in contravention of the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data.

5. The use of the domain's mail server and email addresses for sending unsolicited bulk email.

The user bears full responsibility for the content of his website, transmitted and stored information, hypertext links, third party claims and legal actions in reference to intellectual property, third party rights and protection of minors.
The user is responsible with respect to the laws and regulations in force and the rules that have to do with the operation of the online service, electronic commerce, copyright, maintenance of public order, as well as universal principles of Internet use.
The user will indemnify Asbaa-2022, SL for the expenses generated by the imputation of Asbaa-2022, SL in some cause whose responsibility was attributable to the user, including fees and expenses of legal defense, even in the case of a non-final judicial decision.
Protection of the hosted information
Asbaa-2022, SL makes backup copies of the content hosted on its servers, however it is not responsible for the loss or accidental deletion of data by users. Similarly, it does not guarantee the total replacement of data deleted by users, since such data may have been deleted and / or modified during the period of time since the last backup.

The services offered, except for specific backup services, do not include the replacement of the contents preserved in the backup copies made by Asbaa-2022, SL, when this loss is attributable to the user; in this case, a fee will be determined according to the complexity and volume of the recovery, always with the user's prior acceptance.
The replacement of deleted data is only included in the price of the service when the loss of the content is due to causes attributable to Asbaa-2022, SL.
Commercial communications
In application of the LSSI. Asbaa-2022, SL will not send advertising or promotional communications by e-mail or other equivalent means of electronic communication that have not been previously requested or expressly authorized by the recipients thereof.
In the case of users with whom there is a previous contractual relationship, Asbaa-2022, SL is authorized to send commercial communications concerning products or services of Asbaa-2022, SL that are similar to those that were initially contracted with the customer.
In any case, the user, after proving his identity, may request not to receive any more commercial information through the Customer Service channels.

REV: 20.3009

Responsable: ASBAA-2022 SL con CIF B-44565299

Finalidad: Gestión de las solicitudes de información a través de la página web con la finalidad de prestarles servicios profesionales inmobiliarios y así facilitarles información sobre lo que solicite.

Legitimación: La legitimación se basa en el consentimiento que usted nos otorga al clicar el botón "Acepto la política de protección de datos".

Destinatarios: Sus datos no se cederán a nadie, salvo obligación legal.

Derechos: Podrá ejercitar los derechos de acceso, rectificación, supresión, oposición, portabilidad y retirada de consentimiento de sus datos personales en la dirección de correo electrónico info@canaryhogar.es

Protection of personal data in accordance with the RGPD
Asbaa-2022, SL, in application of current legislation on the protection of personal data, informs that the personal data collected through the forms on the website: https://www.canaryhogar.es, are included in the specific automated files of users of the services of Asbaa-2022, SL.
The purpose of the collection and automated processing of personal data is to maintain the commercial relationship and the performance of information, training, consultancy and other activities of Asbaa-2022, SL.
This data will only be transferred to those entities that are necessary for the sole purpose of complying with the aforementioned purpose.
Asbaa-2022, SL adopts the necessary measures to guarantee the security, integrity and confidentiality of the data in accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of 27 April 2016, on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data, and repealing the old LOPD, the new Organic Law 3/2018, of 5 December, on Data Protection and Guarantee of Digital Rights (LOPDGDDD).
The user may at any time exercise the rights of access, opposition, rectification, cancellation, limitation and portability recognised in the aforementioned Regulation (EU). These rights may be exercised by the user by sending an email to: info@canaryhogar.es or to the following address: Avenida Los Abrigos nº 34 B, Los Abrigos Garanadilla de Abona (Tenerife) 38618
The user declares that all the data provided by him/her are true and correct, and undertakes to keep them updated, communicating any changes to Asbaa-2022, SL.
Purpose of the processing of personal data:
For what purpose will we process your personal data?
At Asbaa-2022, SL, we will process your personal data collected through the website: https://www.canaryhogar.es, for the following purposes:
1. Sending commercial information and newsletters about new services offered on the website and the sector.
2. To provide the services contracted by the user.
3. To send promotional information electronically.
4. To provide the information requested by the user through the contact form.
We remind you that you can object to the sending of commercial communications by any means and at any time by sending an e-mail to the address indicated above.
The fields in these registers must be filled in, and it is impossible to carry out the purposes expressed if these data are not provided.
How long will the personal data collected be kept?
The personal data provided will be kept for as long as the commercial relationship is maintained or you do not request their deletion and for the period of time for which legal responsibilities may arise from the services provided.
The processing of your data is carried out on the following legal bases that legitimise the same:
1. The request for information and/or the contracting of the services of Asbaa-2022, SL, the terms and conditions of which will be made available to you in any case, prior to any eventual contracting.
2. Free, specific, informed and unequivocal consent, insofar as we inform you by making this privacy policy available to you, which after reading it, if you agree, you can accept by means of a declaration or a clear affirmative action, such as ticking a box provided for this purpose.
If you do not provide us with your details or if you do so incorrectly or incompletely, we will not be able to deal with your request, making it completely impossible to provide you with the information requested or to carry out the contracting of services.
The data will not be communicated to any third party outside Asbaa-2022, SL, except under legal obligation.
Data collected by users of the services
In the cases in which the user includes files with personal data in the shared hosting servers, Asbaa-2022, SL is not responsible for the non-compliance by the user of the RGPD.
Intellectual property rights https://www.canaryhogar.es
Asbaa-2022, SL owns all copyrights, intellectual property, industrial property, "know how" and any other rights related to the contents of the website https://www.canaryhogar.es and the services offered therein, as well as the programs necessary for its implementation and related information.
The reproduction, publication and/or non strictly private use of the contents, in whole or in part, of the https://www.canaryhogar.es website is not permitted without prior written consent.
Intellectual property of the software
The user must respect third party programs made available by Asbaa-2022, SL, even if they are free and/or publicly available.
Asbaa-2022, SL has the necessary rights of exploitation and intellectual property of the software.
The user does not acquire any right or license for the contracted service, on the software necessary for the provision of the service, nor on the technical information of follow-up of the service, except for the rights and licenses necessary for the fulfillment of the contracted services and only during the duration of the same ones.
For any action that exceeds the fulfillment of the contract, the user will need written authorization from Asbaa-2022, SL, being prohibited to the user to access, modify, visualize the configuration, structure and files of the servers property of Asbaa-2022, SL, assuming the civil and penal responsibility derived from any incidence that could be produced in the servers and security systems as direct consequence of a negligent or malicious action on his part.
Intellectual property of the hosted contents
The use contrary to the legislation on intellectual property of the services provided by Asbaa-2022, SL is prohibited and, in particular of:
1. The use that is contrary to the Spanish laws or that infringes the rights of third parties.

2. The publication or transmission of any content that, in the opinion of Asbaa-2022, SL, is violent, obscene, abusive, illegal, racial, xenophobic or defamatory.

3. Cracks, software serial numbers or any other content that infringes the intellectual property rights of third parties.

4. The collection and/or use of personal data of other users without their express consent or in contravention of the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data.

5. The use of the domain's mail server and email addresses for sending unsolicited bulk email.

The user bears full responsibility for the content of his website, transmitted and stored information, hypertext links, third party claims and legal actions in reference to intellectual property, third party rights and protection of minors.
The user is responsible with respect to the laws and regulations in force and the rules that have to do with the operation of the online service, electronic commerce, copyright, maintenance of public order, as well as universal principles of Internet use.
The user will indemnify Asbaa-2022, SL for the expenses generated by the imputation of Asbaa-2022, SL in some cause whose responsibility was attributable to the user, including fees and expenses of legal defense, even in the case of a non-final judicial decision.
Protection of the hosted information
Asbaa-2022, SL makes backup copies of the content hosted on its servers, however it is not responsible for the loss or accidental deletion of data by users. Similarly, it does not guarantee the total replacement of data deleted by users, since such data may have been deleted and / or modified during the period of time since the last backup.

The services offered, except for specific backup services, do not include the replacement of the contents preserved in the backup copies made by Asbaa-2022, SL, when this loss is attributable to the user; in this case, a fee will be determined according to the complexity and volume of the recovery, always with the user's prior acceptance.
The replacement of deleted data is only included in the price of the service when the loss of the content is due to causes attributable to Asbaa-2022, SL.
Commercial communications
In application of the LSSI. Asbaa-2022, SL will not send advertising or promotional communications by e-mail or other equivalent means of electronic communication that have not been previously requested or expressly authorized by the recipients thereof.
In the case of users with whom there is a previous contractual relationship, Asbaa-2022, SL is authorized to send commercial communications concerning products or services of Asbaa-2022, SL that are similar to those that were initially contracted with the customer.
In any case, the user, after proving his identity, may request not to receive any more commercial information through the Customer Service channels.

REV: 20.3009

Responsable: ASBAA-2022 SL con CIF B-44565299

Finalidad: Gestión de las solicitudes de información a través de la página web con la finalidad de prestarles servicios profesionales inmobiliarios y así facilitarles información sobre lo que solicite y sus dudas.

Legitimación: La legitimación se basa en el consentimiento que usted nos otorga al clicar el botón "Acepto la política de protección de datos".

Destinatarios: Sus datos no se cederán a nadie, salvo obligación legal.

Derechos: Podrá ejercitar los derechos de acceso, rectificación, supresión, oposición, portabilidad y retirada de consentimiento de sus datos personales en la dirección de correo electrónico info@canaryhogar.es

Protection of personal data in accordance with the RGPD
Asbaa-2022, SL, in application of current legislation on the protection of personal data, informs that the personal data collected through the forms on the website: https://www.canaryhogar.es, are included in the specific automated files of users of the services of Asbaa-2022, SL.
The purpose of the collection and automated processing of personal data is to maintain the commercial relationship and the performance of information, training, consultancy and other activities of Asbaa-2022, SL.
This data will only be transferred to those entities that are necessary for the sole purpose of complying with the aforementioned purpose.
Asbaa-2022, SL adopts the necessary measures to guarantee the security, integrity and confidentiality of the data in accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of 27 April 2016, on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data, and repealing the old LOPD, the new Organic Law 3/2018, of 5 December, on Data Protection and Guarantee of Digital Rights (LOPDGDDD).
The user may at any time exercise the rights of access, opposition, rectification, cancellation, limitation and portability recognised in the aforementioned Regulation (EU). These rights may be exercised by the user by sending an email to: info@canaryhogar.es or to the following address: Avenida Los Abrigos nº 34 B, Los Abrigos Garanadilla de Abona (Tenerife) 38618
The user declares that all the data provided by him/her are true and correct, and undertakes to keep them updated, communicating any changes to Asbaa-2022, SL.
Purpose of the processing of personal data:
For what purpose will we process your personal data?
At Asbaa-2022, SL, we will process your personal data collected through the website: https://www.canaryhogar.es, for the following purposes:
1. Sending commercial information and newsletters about new services offered on the website and the sector.
2. To provide the services contracted by the user.
3. To send promotional information electronically.
4. To provide the information requested by the user through the contact form.
We remind you that you can object to the sending of commercial communications by any means and at any time by sending an e-mail to the address indicated above.
The fields in these registers must be filled in, and it is impossible to carry out the purposes expressed if these data are not provided.
How long will the personal data collected be kept?
The personal data provided will be kept for as long as the commercial relationship is maintained or you do not request their deletion and for the period of time for which legal responsibilities may arise from the services provided.
The processing of your data is carried out on the following legal bases that legitimise the same:
1. The request for information and/or the contracting of the services of Asbaa-2022, SL, the terms and conditions of which will be made available to you in any case, prior to any eventual contracting.
2. Free, specific, informed and unequivocal consent, insofar as we inform you by making this privacy policy available to you, which after reading it, if you agree, you can accept by means of a declaration or a clear affirmative action, such as ticking a box provided for this purpose.
If you do not provide us with your details or if you do so incorrectly or incompletely, we will not be able to deal with your request, making it completely impossible to provide you with the information requested or to carry out the contracting of services.
The data will not be communicated to any third party outside Asbaa-2022, SL, except under legal obligation.
Data collected by users of the services
In the cases in which the user includes files with personal data in the shared hosting servers, Asbaa-2022, SL is not responsible for the non-compliance by the user of the RGPD.
Intellectual property rights https://www.canaryhogar.es
Asbaa-2022, SL owns all copyrights, intellectual property, industrial property, "know how" and any other rights related to the contents of the website https://www.canaryhogar.es and the services offered therein, as well as the programs necessary for its implementation and related information.
The reproduction, publication and/or non strictly private use of the contents, in whole or in part, of the https://www.canaryhogar.es website is not permitted without prior written consent.
Intellectual property of the software
The user must respect third party programs made available by Asbaa-2022, SL, even if they are free and/or publicly available.
Asbaa-2022, SL has the necessary rights of exploitation and intellectual property of the software.
The user does not acquire any right or license for the contracted service, on the software necessary for the provision of the service, nor on the technical information of follow-up of the service, except for the rights and licenses necessary for the fulfillment of the contracted services and only during the duration of the same ones.
For any action that exceeds the fulfillment of the contract, the user will need written authorization from Asbaa-2022, SL, being prohibited to the user to access, modify, visualize the configuration, structure and files of the servers property of Asbaa-2022, SL, assuming the civil and penal responsibility derived from any incidence that could be produced in the servers and security systems as direct consequence of a negligent or malicious action on his part.
Intellectual property of the hosted contents
The use contrary to the legislation on intellectual property of the services provided by Asbaa-2022, SL is prohibited and, in particular of:
1. The use that is contrary to the Spanish laws or that infringes the rights of third parties.

2. The publication or transmission of any content that, in the opinion of Asbaa-2022, SL, is violent, obscene, abusive, illegal, racial, xenophobic or defamatory.

3. Cracks, software serial numbers or any other content that infringes the intellectual property rights of third parties.

4. The collection and/or use of personal data of other users without their express consent or in contravention of the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data.

5. The use of the domain's mail server and email addresses for sending unsolicited bulk email.

The user bears full responsibility for the content of his website, transmitted and stored information, hypertext links, third party claims and legal actions in reference to intellectual property, third party rights and protection of minors.
The user is responsible with respect to the laws and regulations in force and the rules that have to do with the operation of the online service, electronic commerce, copyright, maintenance of public order, as well as universal principles of Internet use.
The user will indemnify Asbaa-2022, SL for the expenses generated by the imputation of Asbaa-2022, SL in some cause whose responsibility was attributable to the user, including fees and expenses of legal defense, even in the case of a non-final judicial decision.
Protection of the hosted information
Asbaa-2022, SL makes backup copies of the content hosted on its servers, however it is not responsible for the loss or accidental deletion of data by users. Similarly, it does not guarantee the total replacement of data deleted by users, since such data may have been deleted and / or modified during the period of time since the last backup.

The services offered, except for specific backup services, do not include the replacement of the contents preserved in the backup copies made by Asbaa-2022, SL, when this loss is attributable to the user; in this case, a fee will be determined according to the complexity and volume of the recovery, always with the user's prior acceptance.
The replacement of deleted data is only included in the price of the service when the loss of the content is due to causes attributable to Asbaa-2022, SL.
Commercial communications
In application of the LSSI. Asbaa-2022, SL will not send advertising or promotional communications by e-mail or other equivalent means of electronic communication that have not been previously requested or expressly authorized by the recipients thereof.
In the case of users with whom there is a previous contractual relationship, Asbaa-2022, SL is authorized to send commercial communications concerning products or services of Asbaa-2022, SL that are similar to those that were initially contracted with the customer.
In any case, the user, after proving his identity, may request not to receive any more commercial information through the Customer Service channels.

REV: 20.3009

In compliance with the duty of information contained in Article 10 of Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (LSSICE), the owner of the website informs you of the following:
● Company name: Asbaa-2022, SL
● TAX ID: B44565299
● Address: Avenida Los Abrigos Local Nº 34 B,C.P 38618 - Los Abrigos, Granadilla De Abona (Santa Cruz De Tenerife)
Within the limits established by law, Asbaa-2022, SL assumes no liability for the lack of veracity, completeness, updating and accuracy of the data or information contained in its web pages.
The contents and information do not bind Asbaa-2022, SL nor do they constitute opinions, advice or legal advice of any kind, as they are merely a service offered for information and dissemination purposes.
The Internet pages of Asbaa-2022, SL may contain links to other pages of third parties that Asbaa-2022, SL cannot control. Therefore, Asbaa-2022, SL cannot assume responsibility for the content that may appear on third-party pages.

The texts, images, sounds, animations, software and other contents included in this website are the exclusive property of Asbaa-2022, SL or its licensors. Any act of transmission, distribution, transfer, reproduction, storage or total or partial public communication must have the express consent of Asbaa-2022, SL.
Likewise, in order to access some of the services that Asbaa-2022, SL offers through the website, you must provide some personal data. In compliance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, we inform you that, by completing these forms, your personal data will be included and processed in the files of Asbaa-2022, SL in order to be able to provide and offer you our services as well as to inform you of improvements to the website.
We also inform you that you will have the possibility at any time to exercise your rights of access, rectification, cancellation, opposition, limitation and portability of your personal data, free of charge by email to:info@canaryhogar.es or at the address: Avenida Los Abrigos Local Nº 34 B,C.P 38618 - Los Abrigos, Granadilla De Abona (Santa Cruz De Tenerife)
REV: 20.3009